Parking Lot Maintenance

Your buildings’ curb appeal matters.  In addition to a pleasing appearing, a properly maintained parking lot lasts longer.

Let the experts at Seal Tech perform a site evaluation where we will lay out your options from most affordable to longest lasting.  We can develop a maintenance schedule that will meet your budgets for this year or several years into the future.  We value our clients as partners in a long-term relationship.  Your satisfaction is our highest priority!

Crack Filling

Our owner, Jim Lawless was the first pavement maintenance professional in the Cleveland, OH area to start using the Seal Master Crack Pro 125 unit.  This machine is an oil jacketed tar kettle with a wad applicator that allows for a clean 2-inch band of tar to be applied to the crack.  This allows the tar to adhere to the inner walls of the crack.  The tar is meant to flex with the pavement.  Other methods do not guarantee a consistent application and can put too much tar on your pavement.  When this happens, tires will pick up the material in the hot summer months and spread it throughout your parking lot.  You can trust Seal Tech to do a more professional job using the most advanced parking lot sealing equipment available on the market.  Addressing cracks it vital to a well maintained parking lot because that is where the moisture comes from.

Crack Filling and sealcoating of a parking lot


In addition to properly addressing cracks in your parking lot, at times hot or cold patching is necessary to stop moisture from getting under your pavement where issues have become larger than a crack.  The most affordable option is surface patching.  The longest lasting patching solution is to mill and patch.  We will layout your options and work within your budgetary guidelines.

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